Jenn Morgan has a rare talent and unique eye for observing what I’m working on and a way of articulating it that creates a structure to move forward powerfully with my brand. Jenn’s ideas are both highly imaginative and strongly formatted to execute right away, which I appreciate. We’ve drastically increased engagement in our outbound marketing & PR efforts and quadrupled our inbound leads.
— Wendy Capland, CEO Vision Quest Consulting, Boston, MA 

Jenn is the most brilliant marketer I know.

— Marcia Weider, CEO Dream University, Beverly Hills, CA

I’m inspired and energized...AND, unlike many times I feel that way, I actually feel grounded with practical things to do to move me towards my vision. Jenn provides the clarity you need to make forward momentum toward the vision you seek.
— Heather Furby, Founder Creative Age Leadership, Sonoma, CA

I’m someone who doesn’t do well with self-promotion and I was skeptical about the whole idea of personal branding because it just seems ‘fake’. Jenn brought home to me that if I identify my value and brand myself as such, it will make it easier to actually ‘be’ the person I am and make my overall career path easier. I like the idea of seeing myself as a business and branding myself in order to stay true to who I am, what I’m good at & what I actually add value to.
— Michelle Concannon, Senior Engineering Manager, Cisco Systems Inc., Boston, MA

Jenn is a marketing shaman.
— James Papp, Author and COO Port of Bellingham, Bellingham, WA

Aside from trusting Jenn implicitly, her discernment is invaluable. She helped me clarify possible premium packages, and made concrete suggestions for how to research various aspects and create a plan.
— Jonathan Bender, Communication Consultant, Berkley, CA

Jenn Morgan is an astoundingly great coach!
— Jeanne Supin, Founder Watagua Consulting, Raleigh, NC